Menorah Primary Schools Federation

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Pupil premium strategy statement Menorah Primary Schools Federation 2023


This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the outcomes for disadvantaged pupils last academic year.

School overview



Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers

2023 – 2024

Date this statement was published

November 2023

Date on which it will be reviewed

November 2024

Statement authorised by

Jackie Menczer


Pupil Premium Lead

Karen Joseph


Governor / Trustee lead

David Rosenthal

Chair of Governors

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year

£ 2,268

Pupil premium (and recovery premium*) funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)

*Recovery premium received in academic year 2021 to 2022 can be carried forward to academic year 2022 to 2023. Recovery premium received in academic year 2022 to 2023 cannot be carried forward to 2023 to 2024.


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

Statement of Intent

At Menorah Primary School we recognise the differing needs of our

disadvantaged pupils and the strains that this puts on their families as a whole.

We set high expectations for all our pupils, including those who are disadvantaged while looking at their individual learning and social and emotional needs.  

We are focused on providing high quality teaching of broad and balanced curriculum within which our children blossom into happy and successful learners who are able to show compassion and love for others as modelled by our teaching staff.   The mechanism for developing our pupils’ learning powers is provided through four essential skills that we have identified   - Resilience, Resourcefulness, Reflectiveness, and Reciprocity (4R’s).  Our focus is less on the accumulation of facts and more on developing creative, dynamic thinkers.  

Targets and Aims for our PPG budget

  • To provide one to one therapies and specialist teaching to pupils who require these interventions but do not qualify for LA support.
  • To support the emotional and social development of pupils in order to address expressed needs in their family circumstances.
  • To ascertain if any PPG children need extra boost sessions as a result of the pandemic and lockdowns. Those identified will be given extra support.
  • To ensure that all children have access to a range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities offered through our After-School Programmes. 

Nature of Support

Summary of spending and actions taken:

  • Additional support from Mental Health Hub: Art Therapists, Social/Com, SLT, Learning Mentor.
  • One to one support from Teaching Assistants
  • Providing differentiated intervention programmes across the school from qualified teachers in areas such as phonics, dyslexia teaching, targeted numeracy teaching.
  • Providing Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy Physiotherapy and Specific Literacy Programmes.
  • Teachers following social skills programmes to improve children’s social skills and emotional resilience.
  • Providing subsidised after school clubs for low-income families.
  • Additional funding for cultural enrichment eg trips, activities, in school workshops and school journeys.
  • Providing a Lunch Time Club to support social skills.   



This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Emotional well-being and mental health


Building Resilience and Independent learning skills


Lack of focus and support with engaging with learning


Extra-curricular and enrichment activities


Interruptions of learning due to various factors

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

All children including disadvantaged to have a language of emotional well-being and mental health and access to our Mental Health hub when needed.

Children will be able to identify and discuss their feelings, regulate their emotions asking for support when necessary.

Children to reach their learning potential despite their socio-economic circumstances.

Children will make progress based on their  predicted outcomes.

To close the gaps between pre and post Covid attainment.

Children affected by the pandemic will show progress as a result of booster interventions.

To establish strong Home School links with parents in order  to work collaboratively to support their children.

Parents will develop skills to establish robust systems at home to support their children’s education and emotional well-being.



Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium) funding this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £1,000


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Well Being Inset

Train teachers to be  more aware of mental health issues impacting on learning


Quality First Teaching

Adaptation of the curriculum for  pupils across the range of ability



Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support, structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £18,350


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

1:1 Tuition

High impact for moderate cost


Small Group Tuition

High impact for moderate cost

1, 2, 3, 4

Art Therapy

High impact low cost

1, 2, 3

After school activities

High impact low cost

1, 5, 6


Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £3,000


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Parenting support from school and outside agencies

High impact and high cost



Mental Health Hub

High impact and high cost


Total budgeted cost: £22,350


Part B: Review of the previous academic year

Outcomes for disadvantaged pupils

We have analysed our KS1 & KS2 SATs data from the academic year 2022 -2023.

Our strategies to address our disadvantaged pupils are well targeted  as evidenced in our KS1 SATs results  2022 – 2023. The one disadvantaged pupil achieved the exp standard in Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Science.

In KS2, the 3 disadvantaged children achieved in Reading, Writing and Maths 67%. In reading they achieved a 100%, in writing and maths 67%.  1 pupil did not take the maths SAT KS2 as this pupil was working well below the level , the other pupil had social & emotional problems which affected her year on year progress.

Based on the information above, the performance of our disadvantaged pupils met our expectations and in one case exceeded our expectations.  We are on course to achieve the outcomes we set for our present cohort of disadvantaged pupils   2023 - 2024.

Our evaluation of the approaches delivered in the past academic year which includes tracking intervention groups on a termly basis and pupil tracking meetings, highlights early problems for us to address.

Our budget is reduced because of our low FSM figures.  Consequently, we are having to supplement our intervention programme with targeted support from our HTAs.


Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you used your pupil premium (or recovery premium) to fund in the previous academic year.



After School Activities

Alex Nichols Sports Company









