Menorah Primary Schools Federation

Life at Menorah Primary Schools Federation Life at Menorah Primary Schools Federation Life at Menorah Primary Schools Federation Life at Menorah Primary Schools Federation Life at Menorah Primary Schools Federation Life at Menorah Primary Schools Federation Life at Menorah Primary Schools Federation Life at Menorah Primary Schools Federation

Pupil Responsibility

At MPS Boys and MPS Girls we encourage all pupils to be independent and take responsibility for their own well-being and for that of their peers. Older children act as “buddies” to the reception classes to help the transition into school life.

As the children get older, they have the opportunity to sit on the Schools' Councils or the Eco Councils. Both these bodies discuss matters that arise within the school community and have the mandate to vote on recommendations to be adopted in consultation with the Headteacher and other staff members.

For each school the Head Boy (in the case of MPS Boys), Head Girl (in the case of MPS Girls), sports captains and prefects (for both schools) are chosen from within the Year 6 classes. 

All pupils have regular e-safety training which enables them to use the internet safely at all times.
